11. Fraught with indecisive thought - 12. I once was quite a handsome swan
13. I am the pastor - 14. In a tavern
11. Fraught with indecisive thought
I) Fraught with indecisive thought,/Drunkenly debating/Whether life has any worth,/ All my concentrating/Proves my life is like the dust,/Not worth emulating/As wind sweeps me randomly,/Never long abating. // II) Many so-called wise men think,/ Wrongly computating,/That it's best to root yourself,/Firmly demarcating./I prefer a different route:/Never quite relating/To one place at any time,/Never situating. // III) Let me sail away to sea,/No thoughts of returning./Let the endless water try/ Quenching all my yearning./Water can't put out my fire;/Fire is for burning./Let my flame strike other men/So their souls start churning. // IV) Who on earth could live a life/Solely based on learning?/Let's at least enjoy our time/While the earth's still turning./Give desire precidence --/Love's not made for spurning./You're not young for very long;/Spend while you're still earning. // V) Following the rugged path/Youth is prone to using,/Searching for a better road/Paved for swifter cruising,/I run into youthful lust,/Open for abusing./Lust and reason battle, but/Reason's always losing.
12. I once was quite a handsome swan
I) I once was quite a handsome swan,/Though now my beauty's nearly gone./I've over-cooked to roasted scrawn. // II) You should have seen how nice I looked:/My nights out at the pond were booked./Now you might say my goose is cooked. // III) Now I am on a serving plate;/My chance to flee has come too late/And gnashing teeth will be my fate. // Ref) Poor me, poor me,/There's no more me;/I'm burnt black as can be.
13. I am the Pastor
I am the Pastor of Notre Dame, and my hobby's drinking with the guys each night. And we play a little cards, strip poker mostly. Yeah, whoever loses at it first, he has to run down the sidewalk minus all his clothes and -- this is a riot -- has to shout out loud:
Dammit! Dammit!/Fate, how come you treat us all like shit?/Don't think that I'm gonna quit --/I'll have fun in spite of it!/Ha ha.
14. In a tavern underground
I) In a tavern underground/Lit dimly by a dying candle,/There each one of us has found/What makes his burdens light to handle./If you want to know our vices/What we give as our advice is/Listen closely to our story,/Take a moral inventory. // II) Some men drink and others gamble./Some stay put and others ramble./And by those who take their chances,/Fortune's given backward glances./After we have paid tuition/ To our colleges of pleasure,/Then we drink to life's fruition/As the dice are thrown at leisure: // III) Once for grapes upon the vine, and/Once more when they turn to wine, and/Prisoners are toasted twice and/Carefree people toasted thrice, and/Four times for Catholicism,/Five for all those who create a schism./Toast six times for any holy nuns and/Toast seven times for all the horny ones, and // IV) Eight times for my poor perverted brother,/Nine for crooks who pardon one another,/Ten for sailors sailing out at sea,/Eleven times for men who drown at sea/And twelve for those who make a sinner's plea,/Thirteen for those who roam the country free./Here's to Popes and politicians;/Drink to all without omissions! // V) Here's to men and here's to women,/ Here's to fat and here's to thin men,/Here's to maestroes, here's to mystics,/Here's to clerks and here's to clerics,/Here's to shy men and to flagrants,/Here's to soldiers, here's to vagrants,/Here's to living and cessation,/Here's to end discrimination, // VI) Here's to tough guys, here's to wimps, and/Here's to prostitutes and pimps, and/ Here's to servants, here's to earls, and/Here's to boys and here's to girls, and/Here's to sister, here's to brother,/Here's to father, here's to mother!/Here's to hundreds! Here's to millions!/Here's to billions! Here's to trillions! // VII) "As for what gives man elation,/Not all things in moderation."/Here's to all you who get plastered!/What the hell if you're a bastard,/Take life by the horns and steer it/Where you want it! Never fear it!/Who the hell cares who's offended;/Live up life before it's ended!/Yeah!